#!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard); use DBI; require("hffgroup/cgi-lib.pl"); require("ar_cl.lib"); require("sql.lib"); ReadParse(*input_data); load_cookies(); if ($Username eq "") { my $cookie = cookie(-name => "application", -value => "ar_cl_l.cgi" , -expires => '+365d' ,-path => '/' ); print header(-cookie => $cookie, -location => "ar_hfflogin.cgi"); } init_data(); init_banner(); my $sort_field = $input_data{"Sort"}; my $sort_type = $input_data{"Type"}; my ($sort_field_a, $sort_field_b, $sort_field_c) = ('ASC', 'ASC', 'ASC'); if ($sort_field eq "clientcode") { if ($sort_type ne 'DESC') {$sort_field_a = 'DESC';} } elsif ($sort_field eq "orderdate") { if ($sort_type ne 'DESC') {$sort_field_b = 'DESC';} } elsif ($sort_field eq "open_order") { if ($sort_type ne 'DESC') {$sort_field_c = 'DESC';} } $visibility="visible"; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print qq~ Accounts Receivable System - Order Listing



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Accounts Receivable System for $hffclient
Code Client Date No. Amount Detail Open
~; # Get orders my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = get_orders_table($hffclient_code, $sort_field, $sort_type); #my ($cl_code, $date, $no, $detail, $amount, $open) my $i = 0; $class = "line"; $class_left = "line_left"; my $prev_code = ""; my $cl_name = ""; hffconnect(); my ($rv, $sth, $sql); while($a[$i]) { if ($class eq "line") {$class = "line_white"; $class_left = "line_left_white";} else {$class = "line"; $class_left = "line_left";} if ($prev_code ne $a[$i]) { $sql = qq{ SELECT name from customers WHERE hffclientcode = '$hffclient_code' and code = '$a[$i]'}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rv = $sth->execute(); } if ($rv > 0) { $e[$i] = CommaFormatted($e[$i]); if ($prev_code ne $a[$i]) { $cl_name = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; } my $name_string = $cl_name; $name_string =~ s/&/~/sig; print ""; print " "; print " "; # print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " \n"; $prev_code = $a[$i]; } $i++; } $dbh->disconnect(); print qq~

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